"Mommy, the salsa fell on the floor!"
"Who was supposed to be watching Sally?"
"But Mommy, she..."
This dialogue had occurred one too many times in our home before I realized I had to have a plan for my toddlers and preschoolers while I was teaching my older children. There are many ways to solve the "roaming" toddler issue. Over the past sixteen years, we have implemented buddy systems and coordinated nap time with "school time". No matter what our strategy, our goal aimed not only at keeping our precious young ones safe, but also at engaging their minds and bodies.
Several months ago I penned an article Creative Ways to Occupy Preschoolers. Homeschooling Today printed the article in their July/August 2009 issue and it can now be read on-line. I wanted to share it with you, hoping it will encourage you as you seek ways to creatively involve your toddlers and preschoolers.
The Goals Gatherings
Goals gatherings!
That's what I've been up to this past week! Let me back up a bit. A year
ago, I posted on Facebook asking if any of my local friends want...
5 years ago