Dear friends,
“In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil,
but a
foolish man devours all he has.”
Proverbs 21:20
“Better a meal of vegetables where there is love than a fattened
calf with hatred.” Proverbs 15:17
“She is like the merchant ships, bringing her food from afar.
She gets up while it is still dark;
she provides food for her family and portions for her servant
Proverbs 31:14-15
The way to a man’s heart is still through his
stomach. Jesus fed bread and fish to the
hungry multitudes, called himself “the
bread of life”,
ate a communion meal in the Upper Room with his disciples just before he was
betrayed, and even ministered to them after his resurrection by roasting fish
for them on the shore. At this time, he
also admonished the apostle Peter to “Feed my sheep.” (See John 21.) Can you just imagine the Wedding Feast we
will enjoy in Heaven with Jesus as our Bridegroom? If meals are so important in God’s sight, I
think they should be a vital part of our children’s life skills education! Here are some things you can teach your
child to do:
Check out
cookbooks from the library in the j651 section.
You will find plenty of international and
historical food books, such as those listed in the Social Studies section. The Fannie Farmer Junior
Cookbook is
one of our general favorites
Start a recipe
collection. Let your child start a recipe notebook or box
to collect her favorites. These might
include family recipes that are passed down from relatives. Take care that
recipes are copied accurately! If you
like, you can insert each page into a plastic notebook sleeve to keep it clean
during use. An older child can also choose one recipe to learn very well so
that it can be her specialty. She can
also experiment with how to adapt recipes to make them healthier or more
unique. My daughter Mary made her own illustrated keepsake cookbook when she
was in elementary school.
Plan a weekly
menu, fill out a shopping list, go to the grocery store and shop for the
ingredients. Learn how to find the best quality and price
for foods. Read nutritional labels and
unit pricing. While you are at the store, browse through unusual foreign foods
such as calabaza, yucca root or malanga.
Follow recipes
and learn the lingo. How much is a pinch of
salt? What does it mean to dice, mash, or simmer food? Memorize
abbreviations such as t. or tsp. for teaspoon and T. or Tbs. for tablespoon so that you don’t mix them up.
Practice using
kitchen utensils and appliances safely. This might include
the microwave oven, popcorn air popper, hand mixer, stove, apple corer, etc.
Prepare the
food. Cut
foods with a safe knife, peel vegetables, measure ingredients, mix batters,
tear up lettuce for a salad, put spreads on bread, assemble a sandwich or
burritos, spoon out dough for drop cookies, decorate a cake, scramble eggs,
boil water for noodles, etc.
Learn about
timing various elements of the meal preparation. Your child will learn how to plan ahead so that
everything is done and hot at about the same time. This requires more advanced
thinking skills. What will go on the big
burners on the stove top? If two things
need to go in the oven, will they require the same temperature? Will they both fit? What can be kept warm
without burning? What productive things
can you do in the kitchen while you wait for the meat to fry?
Serve food to
the table without dropping it. Use plastic plates until your child gets the hang of
this. This requires walking steadily,
and perhaps using a tray.
Pour drinks without
spilling. Practice this with water over a sink or
counter first. Use a child-friendly pitcher.
Allow your child to serve drinks to family members who are working
outside in hot weather.
Clean up! Don’t neglect this part of the process, or you will
pay for it in aggravation later. Even a two year old can carry a plastic cereal
bowl to the sink, stand up on tiptoe and dump it in. A four year old can scrape his plate into the
garbage -- after he eats his
Pack a picnic
lunch. Plan which foods can “keep” safely outside
and are tidy to eat. Learn how to pack them so they won’t spill or spoil. Include unbreakable plastic or paper plates
and cups, as well as a good supply of napkins.
Explore food
careers through books and field trips. What is it like to be a dietitian, chef, restaurant
owner, or caterer? What kind of laws
govern food safety in restaurants or stores?
table manners. There are courteous
ways to eat, pass items, be excused, remove something inedible from your mouth,
etc. Ask God’s blessing on the food. Memorize a variety of traditional table
graces, and be able to ask a spontaneous blessing.
I hope you have enjoyed this excerpt! There are a lot of links about food on my other blogs, and I've been doing a series on saving money, menu planning, etc.
Also on this blog: My Own Batch of Cookies
Virginia Knowles
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